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    keskiviikko 9. joulukuuta 2009

    Album release party pics!

    Photos by Mikko Niemelä -

    keskiviikko 14. lokakuuta 2009

    Album is now in stores!

    Yes, now it's official! Red Number Two's These Things Take Time is now in stores (in Finland). You can also download it from digital shops as they are converted the album. More info soon!

    torstai 24. syyskuuta 2009

    Release party & pre-sale at Record shop X

    Hi Folks!

    Here it is: package of plastic and paper, which took over three years of rehearsing, composing, recording, mixing and planning.
    You can't imagine how proud we are! It just sounds amazing, especially when you have that beautiful cover artwork on your hand.

    You can already buy the CD from Recordshop X for only 11,90 euros (+ shipping worldwide) :

    We also want you to join our celebration at LUTAKKO at FRIDAY 2.10. Where we are going to play our brand new album's all material live. We've also managed to get our good friends and amazing bands RADAR and KUROUMA to play with us. Ticket price 2/0.

    The release party is also the first opportunity to buy THESE THINGS TAKE TIME -cd. So be there!


    perjantai 27. helmikuuta 2009

    Haastattelu Keskisuomalaisessa

    Käy lukemassa RNT:n haastattelu Keskisuomalaisesta TÄÄLTÄ!

    maanantai 2. helmikuuta 2009

    The album is finally ready & New version of Eastern ONLINE!


    I can proudly annouce, that the debut album is finally ready and it's sounding very good.
    That album is called THESE THINGS TAKE TIME and it's gonna be released next autumn.

    Listen to the album version of Eastern Front here.

    The final track listing:

    1. Then
    2. Exit
    3. Sevastopol
    4. Hole in the Fence
    5. Cassiopeia
    6. Eastern Front
    7. Life in Exile
    8. The Glass Walls
    9. Telepathy

    total running time: 46:23

    We are working on the album's coverart...

    Stay tuned for samples and news.

    keskiviikko 29. lokakuuta 2008

    Calm before the Storm it's really close. I'm talking about few days of recording and fixing vocals. The mixing won't take long, because we have done it quite much "on the run".

    I'm sure we're gonna get album fully ready this year. That's the final deadline.

    Here's Tom recording some additional percussions.