Ok folks, here it is!
Quick edit & poor information, but it's still something.
And beware there will be serious "making guitars" episode soon.
Remember the concert next sunday at Lutakko
Twitter Updates
tiistai 29. huhtikuuta 2008
tiistai 22. huhtikuuta 2008
It's a roller coaster, baby!

Do you know the feeling when you have recorded or created something for a while and suddenly evertyhing sounds and looks like shit?
For me, it's the same thing everytime. Because I know it happens everytime - I'm trying to calm down. Maybe it's related to creating something new that you're not always sure what you are doing. Maybe I should clean my ears by listening some shitty punk rock or death metal!
Still, comparing these new recordings to our old demo recordings - we are doing fine - that's a promise.
The guitars for the few songs are almost recorded and by my opinion there will be the best guitar sounds we've ever produced.
I'll be back,
tiistai 15. huhtikuuta 2008
Welcome to the sound

Everything seems allright. There are few quite good hooks and the basis for the good album is already there.
Thanks to Mikko & Hannes with drum engineering - the drums are sounding natural and powerful!
We'll gonna put some video documentary online soon. Beware and remember to love each other.
maanantai 14. huhtikuuta 2008
Something is burning
Yeah, it´s us. We're on fire.
Recording of our album is going great and the boys have been very busy.
We´ve been mostly recording guitars for the album and I must say that the songs are starting to shape up and sound incredible.
The feeling of this process is amazing, for about 2 years we have been writing and rehearsing these songs and to finally get to the point where it is transforming from our heads and from our rehearsal house to a record. There is such a great diversity among the songs on this album, some of these songs have been played live on our past gigs. Some of them have gone through lot of changes from the versions we´ve played live.
But that´s for it now, long days and long nights are ahead.
Few photos from the sessions:

Recording of our album is going great and the boys have been very busy.
We´ve been mostly recording guitars for the album and I must say that the songs are starting to shape up and sound incredible.
The feeling of this process is amazing, for about 2 years we have been writing and rehearsing these songs and to finally get to the point where it is transforming from our heads and from our rehearsal house to a record. There is such a great diversity among the songs on this album, some of these songs have been played live on our past gigs. Some of them have gone through lot of changes from the versions we´ve played live.
But that´s for it now, long days and long nights are ahead.
Few photos from the sessions:

lauantai 12. huhtikuuta 2008
What´s cooking?
Hello there earthlings, we come in peace...
Today we started cooking something very solid & beautiful and it's going to be the first full length Red Number Two album. The first cook who stepped in to give his flavor to mix was tom (me).
i tracked 7/8 songs today, ain´t bad at all. Tomorrow i shall track the last song and we will be doing some editing to the tracks and then the cooking will continue, don´t know for sure who´s gonna be the next one.
Here is few photos of the brainless wonders in the magical world of recording.
More to come as we progress

Today we started cooking something very solid & beautiful and it's going to be the first full length Red Number Two album. The first cook who stepped in to give his flavor to mix was tom (me).
i tracked 7/8 songs today, ain´t bad at all. Tomorrow i shall track the last song and we will be doing some editing to the tracks and then the cooking will continue, don´t know for sure who´s gonna be the next one.
Here is few photos of the brainless wonders in the magical world of recording.
More to come as we progress
keskiviikko 2. huhtikuuta 2008
Debyyttilevyn äänitykset alkavat / The studio session starts
Vielä nimeämättömän debyyttilevymme äänitykset alkavat ensi viikon lauantaina Studio Musicalla. Tarkoituksena on laittaa kapulataiteilija Tom hommiin, eli rumpuäänityksistä on kyse. Rumpuäänitysten jälkeen soitellaan todennäköisesti kitaroita ja bassoja heti kun bändin vanhus Aku pääsee Helsingistä käynnille Jyväskylään.
Seuraahan tätä blogia. Luvassa paljastavaa videota, sensaatiohakuisia kuvia ja räväkkää tekstiä.
Palataan, RNT
The recordings for the yet unnamed debut album begin next weekend. It is going to be a drum session, so the one to blame is our stick artist Tom. After the drum sessions, we are going to record some guitars, basses as the old fucker Aku come to town.
Stay tuned on this blog. There will be videotape and other evidences about some serious accidents.
Yours, RNT
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