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    maanantai 14. huhtikuuta 2008

    Something is burning

    Yeah, it´s us. We're on fire.
    Recording of our album is going great and the boys have been very busy.
    We´ve been mostly recording guitars for the album and I must say that the songs are starting to shape up and sound incredible.

    The feeling of this process is amazing, for about 2 years we have been writing and rehearsing these songs and to finally get to the point where it is transforming from our heads and from our rehearsal house to a record. There is such a great diversity among the songs on this album, some of these songs have been played live on our past gigs. Some of them have gone through lot of changes from the versions we´ve played live.

    But that´s for it now, long days and long nights are ahead.

    Few photos from the sessions:

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