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    perjantai 11. heinäkuuta 2008

    Growling bass on tape!

    Aku has finished his job! We've got some extra punishing bass tracks ready to tear your audio equipment apart. Seriously talking, Aku did some excellent job with lot of new bass lines and ideas. You should hear this!

    For now we have:

    1) All the drums
    2) All the basses
    3) 71,9 % of guitars
    4) 14 % of synths
    5) 17 % vocals

    But it already sounds better than the shit they're playing in finnish radio!

    We have very optimistic feeling about the record and we think that the long time we'll spend on recording will be rewarded. The Songs have gone thru some serious changes and sound lot better now. I pretty sure, that someone's going to be interested in our album soon...

    Soon you'll get some pictures from the new rehearsal house / project studio which is located in old slaughterhouse in Keljo / JKL. We also say welcome to our sister band Apocalypse Cabaret for we are sharing the same space for now on.

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